Educating The Community For Over 30 Years
Visit. Explore. Learn.


You can help continue this effort by making a donation of cash, property or marketable securities, joining hundreds of like-minded people who have joined to help support our efforts. Donations to AHP are tax deductible.

You can donate now online or mail us a check.

Make checks payable to:
Agricultural History Project
P.O. Box 1181
Watsonville, CA 95077

Agricultural History Project
Center & Museum

2601 East Lake Avenue
Watsonville, California 95076

Open EVERY 2nd Saturday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. for Second Saturday on the Farm

Tuesday - Saturday by Appointment Only
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call (831) 724-5898 or (831) 566-2817

Group tours may be arranged in advance by appointment.

Facilities are handicapped accessible.

Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and major holidays.